Sunday, May 2, 2010

Live Simple Live Free

We always want to know the answers to the most intriguing questions of the Universe. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to discover the answers. Answers that we desire but do not really  require to live our life. The fact is that we adorn our life with so many baubles that we obscure the simple prosperity of life. A plain and simple life removes the clutter so happiness and contentment can surround your soul.

Redefine your definition of success from a prosperity associated with money to one associated with living an honorable life filled with the wealth of hope, faith, and charity. Become a steward of your own life. Don't let society sway your mind with images of instant gratification. Those images clutter your life and obscure its real purpose.

Apply the 80% rule. You will find that 80% of the activities and items we have in life contribute only 20% to our success. Make an inventory of those activities you do each day and the items you have in your possession. Eliminating one item can remove several activities required to maintain that item. Prune back your life one branch at a time until you have nothing left but the plain and simple requirements for living. Each day will seem simpler and much less stressful.

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