Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cut the tethers for the simple life

A tether is a cord that anchors something movable to a stationary point. Our lives get filled with these tethers that restrict our goals and limit our prosperity. Those houses we buy, the jobs we take, bad habits we aquire, and a myriad of other things in our life limit our choices. Our available choices only become more varied when we seek to cut those tethers. Cutting a tether is often a hard choice and we must concentrate on doing one at a time.

Each tether we cut, we have more motion to explore new areas of our life. I envy those that can cut all their tethers at once and fly free. Freedom can be both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. This may be more than you are comfortable taking on at one time. Some can only cut one tether while they tether a different part of their life to something else. Staying tethered will keep you from living the simple life

I currently have almost nothing tethering my life. Some of the tethers I cut myself and some were cut by others. I don't have a house, a wife, or debt. The only person I have to support is myself and I am healthy. The simple life is calling me.  Either way, I find myself free to explore in a way that hasn't ever happened before in my life. The rest of my life should be quite a change from the years already passed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Missing the path marker of God's will

As we wander down the path of life that God chose for us before we were born, our eyes are diverted by many carnal things like a big house, that person we just have to kiss, or adding to our bank account. While our eyes are not fixed on the plain and simple path that is our purpose in life, we miss the path marker. It isn't apparent to us at first, except we get a nagging sense of something wrong in our thoughts. The Holy Spirt starts to whisper warnings along with new directions back to the main path.

If we get the message quickly, we either never leave the path completely or we turn around soon enough to need very little correction. Sometimes, for those of us that are slow learners, the warnings are ignored until our life is turned upside down. These major course corrections to get back to doing God's will is not what He desires for us to experience. I have experienced more than one of those in my life as I am sure many of you have also.

So, I have finally learned to keep my life plain and simple to make it easier to quickly recognize any missed path markers. The plain and simple life that adds value to the world according to God's will. Strip away the excess. Less to manage and less to distract. The plain and simple approach to life has turned me into a vagabond. A vagabond seeking out new adventures at each turn of the path that God has planned for me.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Simple Road

Life doesn't have to be complicated in order for you to be successful. In fact, the simpler you make life, the more likely it will be what you envision it to be. Prosperity is defined as a successful journey through life. If you want to be successful and happy, keep your road through life very simple. The Law of Parsimony, the simplest solution is the correct one, should define your life.

The secret to life is no secret at all. Check out the guide to a prosperous life called the Bible. There are great rules for your life found within its pages. Solomon's great wisdom in Ecclesiastes along with the book of Proverbs are good places to start. Treating others as you would like to be treated is still one of life's great rules.

A list of things you will need in life is actually very small:


2. Food,water, and air

3. Relationships

4. Shelter

This leaves a lot of time to give to others and enjoy what God has given to you. Try the simple life, you will find it more satisfying.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Gathering up the Family

The simple life appealed to me because my life was too cluttered and I could not find enough time for the good things in life. I believe it is time to get back to the basics of the faith, so I am preparing to go into the field as a vagabond evangelist for Christ. As often as possible, this blog will contain reports on what is happening in the field. Other times, it will contain my thoughts on faith in God. Before the family is gathered up into Heaven, my prayer is to add as many brothers and sisters that God will allow.

In concluding my first post, I will say that some of us need to jump back on the narrow path and start following God's will again. Others here need to take their first steps on that path. If you have been wandering along distracted by the world, it is time to have a talk with God and ask his forgiveness. For those that haven't accepted the truth in their life.

1. Admit to being a sinner and turn away from your sin
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
(Romans 3:23)

2. Believe that Jesus died for you and rose again
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
(John 3:16)
3. Accept Jesus as the only way into Heaven
Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)

Talk to God in prayer and tell him that you understand that only by his grace (Jesus dying for you) will he accept a sinner like you. Promise him you will live your life according to his will from this day forward.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Live Simple Live Free

We always want to know the answers to the most intriguing questions of the Universe. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to discover the answers. Answers that we desire but do not really  require to live our life. The fact is that we adorn our life with so many baubles that we obscure the simple prosperity of life. A plain and simple life removes the clutter so happiness and contentment can surround your soul.

Redefine your definition of success from a prosperity associated with money to one associated with living an honorable life filled with the wealth of hope, faith, and charity. Become a steward of your own life. Don't let society sway your mind with images of instant gratification. Those images clutter your life and obscure its real purpose.

Apply the 80% rule. You will find that 80% of the activities and items we have in life contribute only 20% to our success. Make an inventory of those activities you do each day and the items you have in your possession. Eliminating one item can remove several activities required to maintain that item. Prune back your life one branch at a time until you have nothing left but the plain and simple requirements for living. Each day will seem simpler and much less stressful.

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